Listado de productos por proveedor MVD Retail te cuenta cual es la filosofía de MVD Retail  para el sector de la pesca submarina:

MVD - Retail is an independent branch that exclusively sells MVD products. MVD is a major manufacturing company specializining in marine and free diving equipenet.
  • Mission Statement: To provide marine and underwater proffessionals and enthusiasts, with the top quality products they need for their work and interests.
  • Covered regions and customers: MVD - Retail sells worlwide to end customers only.
  • Mission Objectives:  to provide the marine community with high quality products and support, keeping in mind that high quality does not necessarily mean high costs. We are always only too eager to support our customers, in every aspect concerning marine and fishing accessories: We can help our customers choose the right equipment, guide them for safe and proper use.

 MVD products,  meet high quality standards (ISO 9001), using latest technology machinery ( CAD / CAM CNC code) for design and manufacture, providing innovative design, hunane ergonomics, outstanding quality, precision and reliability.

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